Tiny Food for Thought

I have been obsessed with fake food (toy food, play food, whatever you want to call it) since I was a kid. I think it's partly due to my love of miniatures and partly because... well... it's fun!

We had a playhouse growing up with an adorable kitchen set and more play food than you could count. I'm sure most of it has been lost or sold but we had old school Fisher Price food, french fries from a McDonald's happy meal set, and tons of cookies made from plastic canvas by one of our grandmas.

Before my dad built me a dollhouse for Christmas, I would spend hours playing with my Barbies (a mixture of my mom's childhood ones and those amazing 1980's and 90's ones with wild eye makeup and crimped hair). It was crucial that these dolls have well-furnished home and a well-stocked kitchen.

Here are few different kinds of miniature food items in my collection (believe me, there's more than this, I just don't have all of it under one roof currently). Enjoy!

I will post more about my miniatures collection in the future. Without any of my dollhouses, it isn't as fun to look just at the furniture but I will figure out something! Cheers!


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